Sharing ad previews with external users
Sharing previews is a realtively simple and quick proccess. We use a unique identifier for every ad preview and in one click you can enable sharing on a preview by preview basis.
N.B. turning on sharing for a document makes it accessible to anyone with the link.
- You must have an account.
- You must be signed into the account that owns the preview to share it.
- 1) Sign in
- 2) Go to "My Ads"
- 3) Find the add you wish to share in the list and click the 3 dot menu (the kebab menu).
- 4) Click "Share".
- 5) Go to the ad preview, copy the link will have a url such as "/adgenerator/3fb9ec1b-5b18-4777-aecb-2ec9d266cc29", this link is now accessible to all users with the link.
- 6) To test this open an incognito window and paste the link in.
We have plans to expand and improve this functionality in the future and this page will be updated to reflect any changes.